Conspiracy Belief and Behavior in the COVID-19 Pandemic. How Belief in Conspiracy Theory Relates to Adherence to Quarantine Restrictions (Wearing Protective Equipment, Isolation, Hygiene) and Influences Antisocial Behavior such as Aggression and Selfishne

Nina Yarosh, Vladyslava Artiukhova, Oleksii Zimovin


This research was aimed at investigating the relationship between belief in conspiracy theory and personality behaviors in quarantine. Belief in conspiracy theory has been hypothesized to predict the degree of adherence to quarantine restrictions (wearing protective equipment, isolation, hygiene) and influences antisocial behavior such as aggression and selfishness, as well as prosocial behavior such as help and altruism. The obtained data of the empirical research indicate the absence of functional connections that could demonstrate the defining role of conspiracy mindset in the manifestations of prosocial and asocial behavior; however, there is still a statistical consistency of changes in indicators.

Also, preventive behavior was practically not associated with the personality's conspiracy beliefs about COVID-19 (the regression equation explains less than 1% of the variance). It is emphasized that the data obtained contradict the results of some previous researches, which are devoted to the research of the behavioral consequences of conspiracy mindset and adherence to preventive measures in a pandemic, in particular.


Belief in conspiracy, quarantine behavior, antisocial behavior, pro-social behavior

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