Neuropsychological Approach to the Problem of Aggressive Manifestations of Personality
The article presents a neuropsychological analysis of aggressive manifestations of normal personality and aggression of persons with brain dysfunction. Theoretical analysis of foreign and domestic works on neuropsychological correction of aggressive behavior is carried out. The neuropsychological program on correctional and prophylactic work for persons with affective-personal disorders is offered, considering the peculiarities of determination of aggressive manifestations of personality. The essence of the concept of "aggression" is specified. The types and functions of aggression of personality of different nature are considered: positive, ambivalent, negative. The neuropsychological causes of aggression in connection with the conditionality of aggression by situational and individual and psychological personal factors according to the scheme "personality - aggressive reaction - situation - neuropsychological factor" are clarified. The multifactorial (combination of neuropsychological and social conditions of a formation of aggression) genesis of aggressive behavior in personality disorders, the basis of which is the destructive level of anxiety, which originates from childhood, is analyzed. The integration of neuropsychological and socio-psychological approaches to the study of the problem of aggression is presented.
neuropsychological correction, neuropsychological prophylaxis, brain dysfunction, aggressive behavior, biological and social factors, personality disorders, neuropsychological features of aggression