A Content Analysis on Publications Written on (E-Government and M-Government) from 2000 to 2021

Huseyin BİCEN, Shobo Najim SHALİ


The ICT (Internet Communication Technology), with the assistance of Web 2.0 tools, made a revolutionary impact on organizational performances, including the governmental ones. The Electronic Government or (E-Government) is a modern approach that contributes positively to the governmental organization's performances; it leads to a structural reforms and creates an innovative atmosphere in the flow of information. The Mobile Government or (M-Government) created by the technology innovators to add better efficiency to the governmental organizations works for saving time and efforts. Between 2000 and 2021, this study looked at publications that supported E-Government and M-Government that were published on the Scopus website or contributed to the Scopus database. 


E-Government, M-Government, e-government, m-government. E-gov, m-gov, government data processing

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