BRAIN. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience
Volume: 13 | Issue: 1
The Necessity of Using Adaptive Coping Mechanisms in the Context of Online Teaching
This article is based on a study in which we investigated the relationship between coping mechanisms manifested by students and their reading level measured by number of errors and time, reading speed comprehension and writing in the case of one group of students (N = 55) with ages between 12-14 years. For this purpose, the Battery for the assessment of developmental dyslexia and dysgraphia was used- DDE-2. The Battery includes eight subtests: five for the analysis of the reading process and three for the analysis of the writing process, and the CERQ Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire identifies nine coping strategies. The results show that, in general, our group adopts highly adaptive coping strategies in stress management, especially refocusing on planning, positive reassessment, while their dysfunctional coping mechanisms are: ruminating, self-blame.