Implications in Forensic Medicine - an Exploratory Lumbar Spine Analysis of Sex and Age for the Romanian Population

Madalina Maria Diac, Gina Toma, Daniel Tabian, Gabriela Sechel, Andrei Scripcaru, Simona Irina Damian, Cornelia Mircea, Marin Fotache, Diana Bulgaru Iliescu


The attribution of biological sex and age are important aspects in forensic medicine investigations in establishing the identity of unknown skeletal remains. Where remains are incomplete or have been compromised by damage or fragmentation, this can affect the accuracy to which sex and age can be determined and require the development of other tecniques using different bone elements or isolateed bone elements. The objective of the paper was to conduct a descriptive and inferential analysis on certain parameters studied on the lumbar spine with implication in estimating sex and age. The present study used 149 images of magnetic resonance of the vertebral lumbar column, on which the authors perfomed a large-scale analysis of three parameters measured on the RM images from a modern Romanian population. The results of the study found that mostly all variables analysed are involved in evaluation of sexual dismorphism. Regarding age prediction, in this study we conclude that some analyzed parameters are important in providing significant age differences. The present work is a novelty in the field and brings more originality, as it took into account all 5 lumbar vertebrae. The lumbar vertebrae can reliably providing an additional element to the growing list of postcranial skeletal elements that can aid in developing the biological profile of unidentified human remains. However, we need further studies with a larger number of images and to derive population-specific discriminant and regression functions.


forensic medicine; vertebral lumbar column; age prediction, sex prediction, magnetic resonance images

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