BRAIN. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience

Volume: 14 | Issue: 4

An Overview of the Principles of an Inclusive Approach in Education in Ukraine in the First Decade of the 21st Century as a Neuroscientific Factor

Olha Rasskazova - Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Municipal institution "Kharkiv Humanitarian and Pedagogical Academy" of the Kharkiv regional council ORCID ID: (UA), Valentyna Anholenko - Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Municipal Establishment «Kharkiv Humanitarian - Pedagogical Academy» of the Kharkiv Regional Council ORCID ID: (UA), Nataliia Pecherytsia - Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Municipal Establishment «Kharkiv Humanitarian - Pedagogical Academy» of the Kharkiv Regional Council ORCID ID: (UA), Valeriіa Hryhorenko - Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Theory, Technologies and Methods of Preschool Education Department, H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University ORCID ID: (UA), Iryna Tsybulina - Candidate of Sciences in Publik Administration, Municipal Establishment «Kharkiv Humanitarian - Pedagogical Academy» of the Kharkiv Regional Council ORCID ID: (UA), Mariia Andreieva - PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Social Work, Municipal Establishment "Kharkiv Humanitarian-Pedagogical Academy" of the Kharkiv Regional Council ORCID ID: (UA), Hanna Yefimtseva - Postgraduate Student, Municipal Establishment «Kharkiv Humanitarian - Pedagogical Academy» of the Kharkiv Regional Council ORCID ID: (UA),


This article is a systematic examination of the progression of inclusive education in Ukraine during the first decade of the 21st century, focusing on the neuropedagogical viewpoint of incorporating children with special needs in social interaction. It investigates the principal components of forming inclusive education as a fundamental factor for the progress of a non-discriminatory civil society in Ukraine. The author analyzes regulatory and legal documents, theoretical and practical experience of working with people with special needs. The study is devoted to the issue of the implementation of an inclusive approach in the education of Ukraine. The focus of the quantitative-qualitative analysis revolves around the historical timeline concerning the acknowledgment of regulatory documents pertaining to inclusive education and inclusive educational practices in Ukraine. Additionally, this analysis encompasses the examination of scientific and methodological literature concerning the education of children with special needs. This body of knowledge has played a pivotal role in facilitating the effective adoption of the inclusive approach within Ukrainian education, representing a significant aspect within the field of neuropedagogy. The experience of implementing an inclusive approach in Ukraine in the first half of the 21st century was analyzed, which laid the foundation for the formation and further development of an accessible environment with a universal infrastructure design, the presence of special devices for participants in the inclusive educational process, taking into account their needs. The article demonstrates how the transformation of Ukraine created an educational environment within educational facilities that was tailored to the particular needs of students with special educational needs, especially those related to neuropedagogy.

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