BRAIN. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience

Volume: 15 | Issue: 4

The Impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Digitalisation in Tourism Vocational Education

Godwin Aigbokhai - Near East University, Nicosia, North Cyprus (CY), Nesrin M Bahcelerli - Near East University, Nicosia, North Cyprus (CY), Salim Akyurek - Near East University, Nicosia, North Cyprus (CY), Mehmet Altinay - University of Kyrenia, Kyrenia North Cyprus (CY), Ainur Kenebayeva - Narxoz University, Almaty. (KZ),


Artificial intelligence, digitalisation, and other variants of modern technology have been a central topics in the tourism sector in recent times.     A bibliometric study investigated the impact of artificial intelligence and digitalisation in tourism education. a total of 1,911 published documents between years 2000 to 2023 were retrieved from the Scopus database. The study highlighted the evolving volume of studies on artificial intelligence applications in tourism education and the tourism sector by considering, authors and authorship networks, date of publications, countries, journal publications, citation count, research themes, keywords, and keyword co-occurrence. This evolution in the citation count and number of publications over the years is a pointer to the increasing attention on artificial intelligence generally and then on its role in tourism education and by extension tourism industry. Beyond the dates and citation count, the study reveals countries with the most publications in line with the theme of the study. To this end, China was shown to have more publications emanating from there. In terms of authorship, "Law Rob" and Ivanov Stanislav were shown to have made noteworthy contributions to the topic of consideration. The co-occurrence analysis carried out to identify key theme areas showed notable word cloud formation for terms such as "artificial intelligence", "tourism" "education" "digitalisation" and "tourism industry". The study concludes that more studies will be required in other to get the most out of the integration of artificial intelligence and digitalisation in tourism education.

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