BRAIN. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience

Volume: 1 | Issue: 0

Assessment of Human Bio-Behavior During Gait Process Using LifeMOD Software

Mihaela Baritz - "Transilvania" University of Brasov (RO), Diana Cotoros - "Transilvania" University of Brasov (RO), Luciana Cristea - "Transilvania" University of Brasov (RO), Liliana Rogozea - "Transilvania" University of Brasov (RO),


In this paper we present a set of observations concerning the
analysis and assessment of human bio-behavior during gait process. In the first part of the paper the fundamental and theoretical considerations of the gait process are approached and aspects connected to malfunctions are expressed. In the second part of the paper we present the modeling methodology using
the LifeMOD software, while in the third part the results and conclusions are presented.

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