Ethnolinguistic Audio-visual Atlas of the Cultural Food Heritage of Bacău County – Elements of methodology

Petronela Savin, Diana Trandabat


The paper aims to present the methodology of the platform “Ethnolinguistic audio-visual atlas of the cultural food heritage of Bacӑu County – eCULTFOOD Atlas”, the main product of the project The Digitization of the Cultural Food Heritage. The Region of Bacău – eCULTFOOD (PNIII-P2-2.1-BG-2016-0390). The platform eCULTFOOD Atlas is a comprehensive database containing the results of field research and scientific documentation on local cultural food traditions. It includes a representative corpus of audio-visual documents recording the traditional food cultural heritage based on surveys involving the older generation from the rural county of Bacӑu, Romania. The eCULTFOOD Atlas meets the aspirations of EU policies that regard the digitization of cultural resources as a key factor that would contribute to improving accessibility and undivided flow of information in a knowledge economy. Once transposed into electronic format, the cultural food heritage of Bacӑu County may become a resource for a broad spectrum of activities impacting sectors such as education, economy and tourism.


1. The project PN-III-P2-2.1-BG-2016-0390 The Digitization of the Cultural Food Heritage. The Region of Bacău – eCULTFOOD


methodology, food heritage, digitization, audio-visual atlas

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