Students’ Views on the Teaching Process Based on Social Media Supported Flipped Classroom Approach

Huseyin Bicen, Ata Taspolat


The flipped classroom method, where in-class and non-class activities are translocated, is accepted as one of the new generation teaching models. The aim of this study is to reveal students' views on the use of social media in the teaching process based on the flipped classroom approach. This study is a qualitative action research and opinions of the participants were taken through semi-structured individual interviews. The study found that although the initial thoughts of the students about the social media supported flipped classroom method were negative, the final and the general thoughts were positive, that it improved in-class/ non-class communication and interaction, facilitated learning and increased motivation. The negative aspects of this method were found to be distractibility stemming from advertisements and notifications on social media, irrelevant negative comments, need for internet connection or excessive use of internet and feeling of being under constant surveillance. Video ads uploaded on YouTube and the students' consuming up their mobile data plans come to the fore as a disadvantage. The majority of the students expressed Kahoot activity as an incentive for watching videos.

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