Didactic Opportunities of Information and Communication Technologies in Graphic Training of Future Technology Teachers

Ivan Nyshchak, Liliia Martynets, Mykola Kurach, Galyna Buchkivska, Valentyna Greskova, Nataliia Nosovets


Purposeful use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in drawing lessons provides an opportunity for the complex attraction of various forms of sensual and rational cognition for comprehensive study and thorough assimilation of the essence of the studied objects and phenomena; formation of the scientific style of thinking of students; development of creative abilities of future specialists; improving the efficiency of the educational process, etc.

The purpose of the article is to explore the didactic capabilities of ICT tools in the process of graphic training of future technology teachers in drawing lessons.

It is established that the effectiveness of using ICT in the process of graphic preparation of students is achieved only with the use of special software. In this regard, according to various classification features (didactic goals; basic architecture; branches of scientific knowledge; functional purpose) the analysis and systematization of the software the tools that can be used in the process of graphic training of future technology teachers in drawing lessons. It presents the practical experience of systematic use of didactic capabilities of software of various types in graphic preparation of students (educational presentations, electronic databases, electronic directories, controlling software) as well as the general characteristics of modelling software, including computer-aided design systems (ArchiCad, AutoCad, SolidWorks, T-Flex Cad, COMPASS), which have become the most widespread in graphic preparation of students. The authors reveal functional possibilities and didactic significance of the COMPASS program in the process of studying geometrical, projection, machine-building, schematic and construction drawings. The article presents the results of the implementation of ICT tools (including the COMPASS program) in the process of graphic training of future teachers of technologies.


information and communication technologies; software; practical experience; educational process; drawing lessons; development of creative abilities

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18662/brain/11.2/77

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