BRAIN. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience
Volume: 11 |
Issue: 4Sup1
Optimising the Validity of Shoulder Range of Motion Evaluation: A Comparative Study
Alexandra-Camelia GLIGA -
"George Emil Palade" University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Science, and Technology, Târgu MureÅŸ, Romania (RO),
Nicolae NEAGU -
"George Emil Palade" University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Science, and Technology, Târgu MureÅŸ, Romania (RO),
Dan-Alexandru SZABO -
"George Emil Palade" University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Science, and Technology, Târgu MureÅŸ, Romania (RO),
During the assessment process diachronically conceived in the initial, dynamic, and final stages, data recording is often performed by instrumental measurement using the goniometer. In Romania, the logistics equipment - hardware and software - has a very low or even absent incidence in the conceptual and applicative design of kinetic rehabilitation programmes. Some disadvantages of universal goniometry are revealed by relatively accurate measurements, given that the testing instrument may provide erroneous data when the specific rules are not followed. Moreover, the tester's interpretation of angular values may vary; therefore, in order to objectify and validate the specific assessment and evaluation, we propose a precise angular motion measurement device called Kinesimeter, assisted by specific Labview software designed at the Human Movement Science Discipline of "George Emil Palade" University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Science and Technology of Târgu MureÅŸ. Our purpose was to compare the results and interpret the differences arising from the use of two specific assessment methods for the shoulder range of motion. Thus, the values recorded by two physiotherapists using the manual goniometer were compared with the values recorded with the Kinesimeter. In order to validate the results, we calculated statistical parameters such as correlation and significance. We strongly believe that the proposed hardware and software device for measuring, controlling, and analysing shoulder movements can become a modern performing tool needed by each rehabilitation institution, having a dual role - investigative and monitoring of a rehabilitation programme - both extremely important, additional to current measurements with the goniometer.
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