BRAIN. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience
Volume: 13 | Issue: 1
Communication Training of Future Sports Coaches in the Context of Neurophysiological Patterns
The article presents experimental verification of improving communicative training for future sports coaches in the context of neurophysiological patterns by expedient changes in pedagogical conditions, namely, forming a value attitude of students towards future professionally-oriented communicative activity; enhancing interactive learning methods; improving educational and methodical support; optimizing the subject-subject interaction of participants in the educational process in simulated situations of professional communication. The research aims to experimentally verify the above-mentioned pedagogical conditions and identify levels of indicators in future sports coaches' preparedness for professionally oriented communicative activity. The research involved 105 students of the experimental group and 106 students of the control group, who voluntarily agreed to participate in the experiment. Research methods include the elaboration of the author's didactic material, modelling of new pedagogical conditions and diagnostic methods. Diagnosis of levels of indicators in future sports coaches' preparedness for professionally oriented communicative activity is carried out with the help of the diagnosed complex of both standard and adapted and modified or specially developed following criteria and indicators of the investigated phenomenon of author's methods. After the formative experiment, the number of students with high and average levels of preparedness for professionally oriented communication activities has increased in EG (by 12.4% and 13.3%, respectively) and at the same time, the number of low-level students has decreased (by 25.7%). The results of the experimental work provide an opportunity to approve the effectiveness of the introduced pedagogical conditions of professionally-oriented communication training for future sports coaches.