BRAIN. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience

Volume: 13 | Issue: 1Sup1

Innovative Technologies in Physical Education: Neuropsychological Aspect

Oksana ADAMENKO - Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding, Ukraine (UA), Olha SHEVCHENKO - Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State Pedagogical University, Ukraine (UA), Sergii BABIUK - Kamianets-PodÑ–lskyi Ivan Ohiienko National University, Ukraine (UA), Andrey OSIPTSOV - Mariupol State University, Ukraine (UA), Anastasiia MELNIK - Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State Pedagogical University, Ukraine (UA), Liliia SIKORSKA - Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University, Ukraine (UA),


The article scrutinises the issue of application of innovative technologies in physical education from the neuropsychological perspective. It has been found that physical education is inseparable from neuropsychology. The content of the concepts: "physical education", "innovation", "innovative activity", "technologies", "pedagogical innovations", "neuropsychology" is studied. It is emphasized that innovative educational activity is supported by regulatory documents. It is emphasized that physical education affects not only the motor activity of individuals, but also personal spiritual and social development. It has been investigated that the contemporary innovative technologies are focused on improving the educational process, the use of new teaching methods for creative, active cooperation between the teacher and the student. The essence of cooperative, problematic, practice-oriented learning, active teaching methods is highlighted. The focus is made on constructivism. It has been studied that speech is an indicator of the activity of different regions of the brain. The use of aerobic exercises as a tool to improve plasticity and function of the hippocampus is considered. Running has been shown to help think clearly, make correct and informed decisions. The essence of autogenic training is considered. The benefits of kinesiological exercises for mental and physical health have been studied. Attention is paid to strengthening and maintaining the health of children with special needs. It has been found that development of information and communication technologies has contributed to the emergence of modern mobile applications that increase students' motivation to care for their health, improve functionality and mobility, help monitor their health. The benefits of exercises that are modelledin virtual reality have been studied, inasmuch as they optimize motor skills, involve motivational, cognitive, sensory processes in dynamic activities.

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