The Psychodrama Method of Group Psychotherapy

Nataliia Pylypenko, Halyna Radchuk, Viktoriia Shevchenko, Olena Horetska, Nataliia Serdiuk, Olha Savytska


The article presents a theoretical-methodological analysis of the psychodrama method of group psychotherapy. It examines the aim, objectives, advantages, peculiarities and structure of classical psychodrama as a method of group psychotherapy. Also, the article attempts to define psychodrama as a group psychotherapy process. It studies the links between psychodrama and methods of various psychological approaches. Importantly, the article suggests a phenomenological approach to studying the interaction among the participants in psychodramatic psychotherapy groups to develop effective technologies for implementing psychodramatic techniques. It justifies the methodological and methodical essence of psychodramatic technologies in group psychotherapy, its main characteristics and goals. From the perspective of an integrative approach, psychodramatic technologies in group psychotherapy ensure the interrelation and interdependence of its psychodiagnostic and psychodevelopmental components. Meanwhile, the article considers the organizational, methodical and structural-dynamic features of using the interactive and role-playing method in group psychotherapy depending on the type of psychodrama. It shows how one can practically apply the “mirroring” psychotechnique in combination with the fairy tale metaphor (the method of enacting a fairy tale) in all types of psychodrama, along with an analysis of the advantages of its use and resourcefulness. Finally, the article discusses a methodical combination of psychodrama and transactional analysis within the “psychodramatic triangle” technique. It provides methodical recommendations for emotional disorder correction using the psychodrama method. The relevant indicators of the effectiveness and efficiency of the psychodrama method in group psychotherapy include catharsis, insight, expressions of trust and a sense of comfort in the space of group interaction and feedback, as an existing objective reality.


Psychotechniques, Protagonist, Catharsis, Insight, Interactive Interaction, Role-Playing Games, Creativity, Spontaneity, Sharing;

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