BRAIN. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience

Volume: 14 | Issue: 4

A Creative Approach to Preparing Inclusive Music Lessons: The Role of Neuropedagogy in Inclusive Music Education

Iryna Maidaniuk - National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine ORCID ID: (UA), Viktor Kavun - Honored Artist of Ukraine, Associate Professor of the Department of Cultural Studies, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine (NUBiP) ORCID ID: (UA), Nataliia Tverdokhlib - Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Teacher, Communal Higher Education Institution ‘‘Vinnytsia Humanities Pedagogical College'' ORCID ID: (UA), Larisa Biryukova - Candidate of Pedagogicsl Sciensces, Associate Professor of the Head of Choreography and Musical Art Departament of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Culture and Art's, Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A. S. Makarenko ORCID ID: (UA), Tetiana Doroshenko - Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Full Professor, Professor at the Department of Arts Disciplines, T.H. Shevchenko National University "Chernihiv Colehium" ORCID ID: (UA), Iryna Mashtaler - Candidate of Sciences in Physical Education and Sports, Associate Professor of the Department of Theoretical Foundations and Methods Physical Education, Volodymyr Hnatyuk Ternopil National Pedagogical University ORCID ID: (),


The article discusses the issue of music education for children with special needs in children's art schools. It highlights the most relevant problem, namely, insufficient knowledge among music school teachers and art school teachers about the peculiarities of development and learning of such children. Besides, a significant gap in today's music education is the lack of appropriate methods and techniques of music instruction that are suitable for learners with special educational needs. The article shows the most common disorders that allow for education in children's music schools, reveals the difficulties encountered in teaching children with developmental delays and provides corresponding recommendations. The authors of this article believe that principles widely applied in corrective pedagogy can contribute to music education in children's art schools. These principles include minimization, accessibility, cyclicity, intensification and comprehensiveness. When adapted to music pedagogy, they can be successfully incorporated into the educational process. Also, the article defines the category of children with special needs and describes a creative approach to preparing inclusive music lessons. Finally, it characterizes inclusion in music for children with developmental delays in mental and language abilities and identifies the role of neuropedagogy in inclusive music education.

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