BRAIN. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience
Volume: 15 | Issue: 1
Neuropsychological Prevention of Students' Procrastination
The article addresses to the problem of theoretical study of the problem of academic procrastination and its neuropsychological prevention for students. It describes neuropsychological means of prevention of academic procrastination with the recommendation to take into account the results of psychodiagnostics and analysis of some conditions and causes of the studied phenomenon. The psychological portrait of a student-procrastinator is analised the components of which are individual psychological, psychophysiological and personal characteristics. The role of the relationship between self-regulation and student learning motivation in foreign literature is also summarized. Peculiarities of educational burnout of procrastination students on the basis of foreign and domestic works are noted. It was revealed the essence of development and introduction of neuropsychological means of academic procrastination — conditioning of dynamic process of emotional and cognitive transformations in self-regulation of the student's personality and improvement of his/her educational success. The author's system of neuropsychological exercises for neuropsychological prevention of academic procrastination is presented in the article considering the neuropsychological mechanisms of its development at the cognitive-emotional-bodily systemic level. It is noted that procrastination may be associated with a negative emotional and mental response to the introduction of quarantine and the transition to distance learning, and even with the new opportunities. It is emphasized that neuropsychological prevention of academic procrastination should be combined with programs for the formation of future professionals thinking and development of a high level of independence, discipline and responsibility in educational activities as a successful strategy to prevent burnout and actualize motivation to learn at the integration level.