Psycho-emotional Problems of Young Mothers during the Pandemic

Maria Stefania MANOLACHE


Given the curtailment of social interactions and social bans due to the COVID 19 pandemic, this article highlights the needs that a young mother had during this time. Based on the results of my research during the pandemic, the consequences of social isolation and changes in the lives of new mothers can have serious psycho-emotional consequences, affecting their cognitive and socio-emotional development in the long term.

Most of all, during this period, young mothers needed to be seen, listened to, understood, helped. They needed to feel that they are not going through this situation alone, that they are with parents, friends, other mothers like them, who face the same problems, who face the same fears, anxieties, worries, who have the same needs in this period.

The research carried out by me between January and March 2022 consists of discussions with 75 young mothers whom I asked to tell me what they felt and what difficulties they felt during this period of the pandemic and her new status, that of mother. This revealed that their predominant moods were – fear, worry, sadness, Indifference from friends, loneliness and confidence.


COVID-19 pandemic, mental health, mothers

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