Looking for Oriental fundamentals Fuzzy Logic

Angel Garrido, Piedad Yuste


For quite some time we have been trying to trace the river of Non-Classical
Logics, and especially, Fuzzy Logic, trying to find the sources of this today flowing quite mighty river. Following from Lotfi A. Zadeh, we have traced his inspiring, the Polish logician Jan Lukasiewicz, who in turn was inspired by Aristotle's Peri Hermeneias (De Interpretatione). Also, Lukasiewicz occupies a central position in the Lvov-Warsaw School, who founded Kazimierz Twardowski, a student of Franz Brentano, and this in turn disciple of Bernard Bolzano. The connection with Leibniz and Bolzano come through medieval scholastic thinkers, especially John Duns Scotus and William of Ockham and the problem of future contingents, they had collected from the Aristotelian tradition. But there was to trace the “eastern (oriental) track, which leads to the ancient Chinese and Indian philosophy. Here we will treat it as a first and necessary approach.


History of Logic; Mathematical Logic; Non-Classical Logics; Fuzzy Logic; Oriental Thought.

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