Controversies about the Introduction of Non-Classical Logics

Angel Garrido, Piedad Yuste


Logic is a set of well-formed formulae, along with an inference relation. But the Classical Logic is bivalent; for this reason, very limited to solve problems with uncertainty on the data. It is well-known that Artificial Intelligence requires Logic. Because its Classical version shows too many insufficiencies, it is very necessary to introduce more sophisticated tools, as may be Non-
Classical Logics; amongst them, Fuzzy Logic, Modal Logic, Non-Monotonic Logic, Para-consistent Logic, and so on. All them in the same line: against the dogmatism and the dualistic vision of the world: absolutely true vs. absolutely false, black vs. white, good or bad by nature, Yes vs. No, 0 vs.
1, Full vs. Empty, etc. We attempt to analyze here some of these very interesting Classical and
modern Non-Classical Logics.


Mathematics; Classical or Formal Logic; Non-Classical Logics; Artificial Intelligence.

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