The Impact of Pharmacologic and Prosthetic-aesthetic Treatment in Elderly with Temporomandibular Joint Disorders and Neuropsychiatric Affectation

Laura Elisabeta Checherita, Anamaria Ciubara, Lucian Stefan Burlea, Daniela Manuc, Ovidiu Stamatin, Elena Mihaela Carausu


The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) imbalances and dysfunctions can lead to a group of different affections named temporomandibular disorders (TMDs). Elderly with TMDs are experiencing severe phenomena due to instability centric relationship, craniomandibular malrelations, hypotonia, edentation and general chronic diseases. The aim of our study is to investigate the efficiency of the pharmacologic treatment followed by prosthetic-aesthetic and gnathological treatment in elderly patients. This prospective study is based on data obtained from 96 patients, aged 65-74, 67 female and 29 male. The data was analyzed by correlating the independent variables with the dependent ones and the prevalence of TMDs. Study results revealed a high prevalence of TMDs (27.35%). The prevalence of TMJ pain (81.25%) and depressive manifestations were high (47.92%). After the pharmacologic medication, in association with prosthetic-aesthetic and gnathological treatment, the prevalence of depressive manifestations decreased (at 32.29%).

In conclusion, the pharmacologic medication followed by prosthetic-aesthetic and gnathological treatment determine improved outcomes in elderly patients with TMDs not only in terms of pain and neuropsychiatric manifestations, but also clinically, i.e., at TMJ function level and in all the facial and oral aspects.


Dental Public Health; Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ); Temporomandibular Disorders (TMDs); Algodysfunctional Syndrome (ADS); Prosthetic-aesthetic and Gnathologic Treatment; Neuropsychiatric Affectation

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