Statistical Study: Vaccination Against HPV Among Dental Students in Romania

Elena Cristina ANDREI, Cristina Maria MUNTEANU, Ileana Monica BANIŢĂ, Anca Mihaela PREDESCU, Mihaela Jana ŢUCULINĂ, Alexandru Dan POPESCU, Alexandrina Mihaela POPESCU, Mihaela Aurelia ŞTEFAN, Janina-Elena VAŞCU, Oprea Valentin BUŞU


Vaccination against Human Papilloma Virus continues to remain a highly complex public health issue, as there are many countries or regions that show increasing reluctance. Romania is among the countries that do not provide HPV vaccine in the national vaccination scheme, but offers the opportunity to young girls between 11 and 18 years of age to benefit from free vaccination. It is the responsibility of health professionals in all health sectors to inform themselves correctly, but also to instruct patients in a prophylactic approach against infection with both HPV and other types of microorganisms. Accurate information and a thorough knowledge of the prophylactic means are achieved from the years of study.

Our study focuses on the following aspects: the degree of vaccination among dental students, the willingness of students to get vaccinated if they have not done it so far, the degree of information about Human Papilloma Virus infection, including ways of transmission and methods of diagnosing the infection, the perception of students on how this topic has been promoted, the sources of information they access in order to obtain information about Human Papilloma Virus.


vaccine; HPV; Gardasil; Cervarix; education; prevention

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