Understanding the Mixing Phenomena - from Structural Stability to Chaos

Adela Ionescu


Nowadays, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) becomes
more and more mature. In the same time, it becomes more and more difficult to contribute fundamental research to it. Although the software tools in this area are increasing in importance, the way how CFD develops remain unpredictable, and it is part of what makes it an exciting and attractive discipline. The mixing phenomena - and the mixing theory - are using more and more CFD tools. This modern theory issued in the flow kinematics after hundred of years of stability study, has mathematical methods and techniques which are developing a continuous signi¯cant relation between turbulence and chaos. The turbulence is an important feature of dynamic systems with few freedom degrees, the so-called far from equilibrium systems. These are widespread between the models of excitable media. The present paper exhibits some recent results of the turbulent mixing study, based on computational tools of MAPLE11 soft. The data would be statistically analyzed, in order to construct a significant guideline in understanding the transition from stability to
chaos in these excitable media.


turbulent mixing, vortic flow, rare event, Maple Assistant

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