Instructions for authors

Editors Editorial Board


Authors must submit their papers via email to [email protected] or they can create an account and submit their papers online, at Submited papers must be written in DOC format (Microsoft Word document), in as clear and as simple as possible English. Preferred maximum paper length for the papers is 20 pages, including figures.
The template for the paper is at this address:
The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point Times New Roman font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end. The title will be bold 14-point, and the author will be 12-point italic. Figures have caption in bottom-center side, and tables have captions in left-top side. Use a tab for identing each paragraph and the subtitles, too. The subtitles
will be bold 12-point. Please use Microsoft Word 97-2003.
We encourage the authors to use the camera ready format even for the first submission. All paper submissions will be carefully reviewed by an editor, and by the members of the scientific board or independent experts, who will provide a written feedback with comments and ratings.
Authors will be notified of acceptance in maximum 3 weeks. Accepted manuscripts should be revised according to the comments of the reviewers and of the editors.
For questions concerning manuscript submission, contact Mr. Bogdan Patrut by mail at
[email protected].

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