Educational Research on the Technological Dimension of Private Life

Liliana Mata


The goal of this study consists in analyzing the technological dimension of private life in school. It deals with an observational research on curricula documents and the perception of high school teenagers and teachers of this dimension as developed in the Romanian educational system.
The main objectives of this research aim at: a) the identification of the specific aspects of the technological dimension as reflected in textbooks and school curricula, and b) defining the level of openness of teachers and high school pupils towards the technological dimension of private life.
Firslty, we conducted a content analysis of school documents, taking into account specific themes and categories. Secondly, we conducted a survey that tested the way in which 1456 high school students and 890 teachers perceive the technological dimension of the Romanian educational system. The results are distinguished through frequencies on specific themes structured on technological dimension at the level of school documents, and on opening level of high school pupils and teachers.


privacy, technological dimension, curricula documents, opening level

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