Differences in Sensorimotor Skills between Badminton Players and Non-Athlete Adults

Adam Hromčík, Martin Zvonař, Gheorghe Balint



This study is focusing on the badminton top players vs. regular adult population. In our previous study on adolescents, variances showed the impact of puberty on timing skills (Hromčík & Zvonař, 2018). The timing in training is topical these days (Forner-Cordero, Quadrado, Tsagbey, & Smits-Engelsman, 2018), and also brain specifics and learning anticipation skills (Wang, Dong, Wang, Zheng, & Potenza, 2018). We added some new insight in this theme and tried to determine the dynamics in the accuracy of sensorimotor skills, which plays an essential role in ball games. Only boys from one club were tested. Subjects have undergone a special PC test with a length of about 45 minutes to test their response and timing of movement with number of tasks in which they tried to hit a moving target, which appeared on the screen at 3 different angles (0°, 15° and 30°) and at different speeds (accelerating, decelerating, constant). Everything happened at unpredictable intervals in 45 minutes rotation. We compared these outcomes with our measurements from last year through specific timing hits and missed shots, and in the terms of sport season. Predictive motor timing suggests that the cerebellum training plays the relevant role in integrating incoming visual information with the motor output reaction.


Sensorimotor; Badminton; Timing Skills; Ball Games Training; Brain Responses

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