The Creation and Development of Textbooks for Children with Cognitive Development Disorders

Liudmyla Chepurna - National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, Кyiv, Ukraine (UA), Svitlana Fedorenko - National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, Кyiv, Ukraine (UA), Yevheniya Kuzminska - National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, Кyiv, Ukraine (UA), Larysa Sushchenko - Zaporizhzhia National University, Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine (UA), Olena Zharovska - Vinnytsya Academy of Continuing Education, Vinnytsya, Ukraine (UA), Tetiana Chyzhyk - Pylyp Orlyk International Classical University, Mykolaiv, Ukraine (UA), Vitaliia Prymakova - Communal Higher Educational Establishment «Kherson Academy of Continuing Education» of Kherson Regional Councilа, Kherson, Ukraine (UA), Larysa Kozibroda - National University Lviv Polytechnic, Lviv, Ukraine (UA),


The implementation of reforms in education for children with cognitive development disorders requires that the historical aspect of the educational process should be reconsidered and scientifically justified, as well as the accomplishments of Ukrainian defectology should be creatively used. The relevance of the research lies in the need to overcome the fragmentarity of historical and pedagogical knowledge about the creation and development of textbooks for children with cognitive development disorders in Ukraine to justify and determine its characteristics and roles in modern correctional pedagogy. The research aims to identify the prerequisites for the emergence and the features of such processes as the creation and development of textbooks for children with cognitive development disorders in Ukraine in the period under study, as well as to highlight the scientific and practical value of the available accomplishments in the field to further improve such books for these children under modern conditions. Research methods include theoretical analysis; synthesis; comparison; systematization and classification of data from archival sources; historical-and-genetic, comparative, chronological, biographical methods; periodization; retrospective analysis. The research identifies and justifies the stages in the development of textbooks for children with cognitive development disorders in Ukraine, whose sequence is related to the development and reforms in the special education system, the elaboration of concepts, theoretical and methodological principles of education of children with cognitive development disorders, as well as the changes in organizational-and-pedagogical and scientific-and-pedagogical aspects. The research concludes that Ukrainian researchers and practicians regularly work on the improvement of textbooks’ content.


cognitive development; historical aspect; educational process; defectology; correctional pedagogy; stages of development

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