COVID-19 Challenges over Mental Health Public Policy

Nadiia Kalashnyk, Oleksandra Khudoba


The research shapes sharp issues as to changes in healthcare system of preserving mental health of people in the context of the COVID-19 Pandemic and the quarantine period. The article analyzes the reasons that determined the world community to study actively psychological, mental and psychological-social consequences as to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on a person and society in general. Special attention in the article is payed to the peculiarities of maintaining and saving psychological health of public healthcare workers in conditions of chronic fatigue, overwork and situations of ongoing stress. Based on the existing strategies` analysis  and through the prism of the COVID-19 determinants, the main directions of changes in the public healthcare system as to preserving mental health of people in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and during the period of quarantine are proposed.


Mental Health; public health policy; Healthcare workers; mental health factors; society; COVID-19

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