Art Competitions as a Tool for Students Creative Growth: Neuropedagogical Factors

Larysa Huseinova - Mykola Gogol State University (UA), Tatiana Liashenko - Mykola Gogol State University (UA), Oleksii Pavlenko - Mykola Gogol State University (UA), Halyna Shpak - Odesa National Music Academy named after Antonina Nezhdanova (UA), Iryna Maidaniuk - National University of the Life and Environmental Science of Ukraine (UA), Dmytro Bidyuk - Khmelnytskyi National University (UA),


The article discusses how gifted and talented students and youth represent a valuable resource for every country, enabling effective development and the constructive resolution of current economic and social challenges. Gifted students' identification, support, and mentorship have become particularly important today. Art competitions foster creative growth, offering students opportunities to nurture their talents and skills. When designed with neuro-pedagogical principles, these competitions become powerful catalysts for creativity. They stimulate neurocognitive processes that boost dopamine levels since the expectation of winning, recognition and rewards activates brain systems associated with motivation and pleasure. This, in turn, encourages the generation of new ideas and innovative solutions. The article explores neuro-pedagogical factors that enhance students’ creative development, outlines the traits for identifying gifted students for participation in art competitions, confirms that such competitions foster creative growth, and provides practical recommendations for teachers and organizers on designing these events in line with neuro-pedagogical insights.


gifted youth; art competitions; creativity development; neuro-pedagogical factors

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