The Analysis of E-Commerce Sites with Eye-Tracking Technologies

Octavian Dospinescu - Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi (RO), Adriana Emilia Percă-Robu - Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi (RO),


The e-commerce sites have many dimensions from the final user’s point of view. Making websites more usable and improving the users’ experience represents an important step when desiring to keep them from moving away. This study is examining the effects of the interactivity dimensions on users’ content comprehension and their attitudes towards e-commerce websites. By using the eye tracking technology, we investigate the websites interactivity dimensions, identified in the interactivity index, exploring the visual process and drawing the time spent on the site or on various regions of it, the heatmaps, the scanpaths, the percentage fixated, the fixations before, the time to first fixation or the total fixation duration.


interactivity dimensions, website interactivity, eye-tracking, eye movements, human computer interaction

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