The Effects of Consumers’ FoMo Tendencies On Impulse Buying and The Effects of Impulse Buying on Post- Purchase Regret: An Investigation on Retail Stores*

Işıl Karapinar Çelik - Bolu Abant Izzet Baysal University (TR), Oya Eru - Bolu Abant Izzet Baysal University (TR), Ruziye Cop - Bolu Abant Izzet Baysal University (TR),


Nowadays the Internet has become an indispensable part of life. Individuals spend a great part of their time constantly checking their social media accounts. Individuals who have a constant fear of missing out behind by the experiences of others show a tendency towards FoMo. However, the desire to be included in a group leads individuals to act impulsively.

The main aim of the study is to investigate the effects of FoMo tendencies on impulse purchasing and post-purchase regret, and the effects of impulse purchasing on the post-purchase regret.

Data were collected from 507 people by survey method; a total of 121 respondents who gave the answer “no” to the question “Do you follow retail stores' opportunity brochures online/in  store?” were excluded, and a total of 386 questionnaires were included in the analyses, which were carried out through quantitative analysis techniques.

The results of the study suggest that FoMo tendency affects impulse purchasing and impulse purchasing has an influence on post-purchase regret.


FoMo; Impulse Purchasing; Post- Purchase Regret

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