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Rahimi, Adel, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran
Rahimi, Parastoo, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Rahimi, Samira, General Department of Fars Province Education
Rahman, Sojibur, Lamar University, Beaumont
Rahmanian, Mahboubeh, "Payame Noor University", Tehran, Iran
RAHNEA-NITA, Gabriela, Lecturer, ”Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy”, Bucharest, Romania, ORCID ID:
RAHNEA-NITA, Roxana-Andreea, Lecturer, ”Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy”, Bucharest, Romania, ORCID ID :
Raievska, Yana, Ukrainian State Employment Service Training Institute, Ukraine
Raievska, Yana, Institute of Personnel Training of the State Employment Service of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
RAILEANU, Anca Adam, Pediatrics, “Grigore T. Popa” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Iasi, Romania
Raimondi, Francesco, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, University of Naples Federico II
Rajabifar, Hamid Reza, University of Tehran
Rajbhandari, Sujan, University of Oxford
Rasheed, Saim, King Abdulaziz University
Rashid, Saira, University of Bahrain
Rassaei, Ehsan, Islamic Azad University, Shiraz
Rasskazova, Olha, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Municipal institution "Kharkiv Humanitarian and Pedagogical Academy" of the Kharkiv regional council ORCID ID:
RASSKAZOVA, Olha, Municipal institution "Kharkiv Humanitarian and Pedagogical Academy" of the Kharkiv regional council, Ukraine
RASTRUBA, Tetiana, PhD in Pedagogy, Docent, Associate Professor of the Department of Vocal and Choral Skills, Nizhyn Mykola Gogol State University ORCID ID:
RASTRUBA, Tetiana, Nizhyn Mykola Gogol State University, Ukraine

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