Antinomicity of the Good-Truth-Beauty Triad on the Internet

Oksana V. ONYSHCHUK - Assoc. Prof. PhD, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Department of Philosophy, S. Bandera Street, 12, 79013 Lviv, Ukraine (UA), Olesia V. PANKIV - Assoc. Prof. PhD, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Department of Philosophy, S. Bandera Street, 12, 79013 Lviv, Ukraine (UA), Maria V. SINELNIKOVA - Assoc. Prof. PhD, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Department of Philosophy, S. Bandera Street, 12, 79013 Lviv, Ukraine (UA),


The presented article outlines vectors of transformation of basic values of Good-Truth-Beauty in the network. The epistemological, moral-ethical, and aesthetic aspects are offered, which allows revealing the forms of representation of initial values in the Internet culture. In particular, the planes of the intersection of the axes “good/evil”, “truth/lie”, and “beautiful/ugly” in social media are presented. The authors are concerned about the assertion of equivalence and blurring of the boundaries between good and evil, which can lead to permissiveness that is covered by anonymity, symbolism, and nominalisation provided by social networks. The article explores the articulation of the problem of evil in the Internet through the use of the heuristic potential of aesthetic experience. An analysis of modern aesthetic forms of the representation of evil in network culture through the prism of such basic values as Goodness-Truth-Beauty is carried out. It is shown how these values are deformed and sometimes turn into their opposite with the help of aesthetic means. It is shown that modern propaganda, which is carried out in social networks, actively uses existential features of perception and experience of truth. In the course of the study, the opinion is substantiated that reflexive judgment allows to attract aesthetic means to the moral understanding of manifestations of evil in the absence of stable standards and moral guidelines in social networks.


good; evil; truth; lie; beautiful; social media; social network

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